Zapatero is akin to Mr. Bean, and Jacob Zuma is reported on doing the following:

[Click to Enlarge picture of South African President Jacob Zuma dancing at his Polygamous Wedding]
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.
Mr. Bean is pictured below:

[Click to Enlarge Mr. Bean]
Jose Luis Zapatero below:

[Click to enlarge Zapatero]
Here is a smaller color version of the Financial Times photograph, cropped however to not show the incongruous mixture of athletic shoes and traditional tribal dress.

From the Financial Times website:
South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma on Monday married Thobeka Madiba, his fifth wife, in a private ceremony at Nkhandla in KwaZulu Natal state.
Mr Zuma, 67, who was elected to the presidency in April, is a Zulu traditionalist who practices polygamy.
Ms Madiba – formerly known as Thoebeka Mabhija – is 36 and a socialite from Durban. She will be Mr Zuma’s third current wife.
Mr Zuma’s defence of polygamy and other Zulu values became more pronounced during the late 1990s and has been controversial among many liberal South Africans. So has the size – and cost – of his domestic establishment. He is thought to have 19 children. However, his latest marriage appears to have attracted virtually no critical comment.
“No-one seems to be shouting about it any more,” said Jeremy Gordin, author of a biography of Mr Zuma.
Mr Zuma’s second wife, Kate Mantsho Zuma, committed suicide in 2000. He divorced his third wife, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, now the home affairs minister, in 1998.
Ms Madiba has attended a number of official events with Mr Zuma.
South Africa is already a disaster, with one in four men admitting rape, according to BBC reports, with those admitting rape reporting 75% had their first attack during their teens. Gang rape considered a form of male bonding. Widespread criminality make South Africa a place where almost no business can be done without the considerable expense of armed guards.
Spain, is not quite as bad as South Africa. But most of its recent economic growth over the past decade appears to be of the nature of a gigantic ponzi scheme akin to "flip that house." Nearly all of Spain's apparent wealth being connected to real estate. There are only so many houses on the Costa Del Sol for sun-starved English and Germans that can be built at a profit, after all. Unemployment is nearly 20%, and the investment in "green" initiatives has been a bust.
But a picture is worth a thousand words. South Africa is one of the "better governed" African nations, and its President dances around in a manner totally unsuited for a man of 67, much less one that age who is head of state. A man that age marrying a thirty something woman is ridiculous, and undignified. Polygamy, itself, is incompatible with any nation that wishes social stability and peace. South Africa's rape statistics are entirely predictable results of polygamy and tribalism. A nation that produces a President dancing around in a polygamous marriage ceremony is sure to be a place that is hell on earth for most of its people.
Spain is not as bad, but is among the worst managed nations in Europe. Something remarkable given Greece's chronic inability to budget within its means and Italy's rampant corruption. Zapatero is at least as bad a manager as Mr. Bean, while nowhere as funny.
These are the men routinely celebrated in the pages of the press and by elites such as David Brooks. Who feels that America's "stupid people" have quite unreasonably lost faith in public policy conducted by "serious intellectuals" in the Obama Administration and Democratic Party. After all, David Brooks, part of the educated class that he reckons superior to ordinary people, decided to support Obama based on the cut of Obama's pants. Seriously. The same folks assure us that Jacob Zuma and Jose Luis Zapatero are serious men worthy of respect.
Not clowns to be laughed off the stage, along with their nations and people. Remember, the world is in the best of hands. David Brooks said so.
THERE we go, a Whiskey post!
How many "elites", outside of Spain or South Africa, have actually fawned over Zapatero or Zuma?
Plenty, you can read the Gideon Rachman column in the Financial Times, "America is Losing the Free World" at the link. Zapatero is the favorite of the Washington Post and NYTimes, as the model of the new socialist leader.
I was in Hong Kong a few years ago and went one afternoon to one of the fancy hotels on the water for a drink. In the parking circle in front of the hotel was this fleet of ten to fifteen Mercedes limos, all with Gabon license plates. One of the weirdest things I've ever seen. The photo of Zuma reminded me of that.
I was scared that that Zapatero was a polygamist too, might be though, he's got 3 females around him, his wife and two punk girls, you should see their look, quite interesting for your study of the female gente
your fan Marie claude
This is why Africa will always be a shithole, and it's brief period of colonisation by Europe was the first and only time they got out of mud huts.
South Africa is just Zimbabwe in slo-motion.
How often do you see this in the decadent West?
"Who feels that America's "stupid people" have quite unreasonably lost faith in public policy conducted by "serious intellectuals" in the Obama Administration and Democratic Party."
whiskey, you're being unfair to the dems. the republicans are almost as bad. sure, obama is in the process of bankrupting the nation. but, w and the reps haven't been poster children for the great and the good either. people are really pissed off that neither party represents a viable body that will look out for the great middle class as the #1 priority.
half sigma suggested we start backing lou dobbs; maybe he was right?
What do you say, whiskey?
Questions to Ponder Over: 01
"Put another way, why would most men live an old fashioned married life of quiet desperation, unhappiness and misery now that there is no motivation to go through the whole career, marriage, kids, society sham."
Anon: half sigma suggested we start backing lou dobbs; maybe he was right?
If you're a conservative, you don't want to vote for someone like Lou Dobbs who sits on the fence halfway between the right and the left. Sure he talks the talk on geo-social engineering, 2nd Amendment, and immigration, but so does any RINO.
whiskey, you're being unfair to the dems. the republicans are almost as bad.
The simple fact of the matter is that regardless of party, our political establishment is fundamentally incompetent and arguably insane. What else can you call it but insane when they believe things that are clearly false, as well as suicidally dangerous, and keep pursuing policies that not merely don't work but actually cause great harm? We should not be surprised that the insanity is bipartisan, because regardless of party, the political establishment is the product of a system that indoctrinates them with insane beliefs. They are spoon fed insanity from kindergarten through graduate school, and few people have the strength of mind to resist this, not least because the system rewards insanity, as insane people hire and promote fellow lunatics.
I don't recall Brooks saying anything nice about Zapatero or Zuma. And the Gideon Rachman piece doesn't mention any of them by name (and doesn't mention Spain at all). Nor is he fawning over those countries, he's just pointing out that they once supported us and now seem to support our rivals. As an isolationist, I personally don't give a shit.
You're also wrong about Spain being the model socialist nation of American liberals. As Steve Sailer is so fond of pointing out, they favor "blue-eyed utopias", not dysfunctional Mediterranean nations.
TGGP, you're not on Huffington Post or the NYT or WaPo enough. Zapatero won applause for withdrawing troops from Iraq after the terrorist attack on the Madrid train station, and various "anti-Western" kow-towing to the usual Third World alliance on global warming and such. Including his bankrupt scheme to make Spain a major player in "Green" technology, which was a total bust and boondoggle.
The Financial Times, all up through the Copenhagen conference, had wonderful things to say about Jacob Zuma and other "leaders" of the Third World who were there to "demand justice" for climate change (read: payoffs that London brokers would get their cut from). Zuma was consistently treated as a serious statesman the equal of China's premier, instead of the clown that he is. Zapatero got his applause too in the run-up to Copenhagen.
I like the Financial Times for its straight out coverage of business, particularly commodities (they do a better job than the WSJ) but their worship of Obama, Zuma, and Zapatero and other idiots is nauseating and very SWPL.
Nor do I think Sailer is correct in SWPL's admiration for "Blue Eyed Utopias" as Spain under Zapatero before the crash made plaudits impossible got much credit for "transforming" Spain into the very model (i.e. phony real estate boom and green lunacy) of what SWPL want: i.e. California which Spain in political orientation resembles.
As for the Rachman piece, Zuma is obviously a clown and his nation save commodity exports (gold, uranium, diamonds, and particularly coal to India) is unimportant in the World stage. What besides commodities does South Africa and its people have to offer the world? Yet Zuma and his nation are treated on the same level as India and Brazil (which in fact DO matter, economically).
OT: 58-year-old wife of N.Ireland leader had affair with 19-year-old man, and — her husband is being urged to step down?
It saddens me that U.S. social norms are tending more and more toward soft polygamy. We have all the concrete and devastating examples of what unattached and uninvested men can do, but we just ignore it. I wasn't even aware of polygamy in South Africa, but I guess that can be chalked up with polygamous middle eastern cultures. When the roles of fathers are denigrated and men have their roles in society forcibly displaced, they don't tend to just sit their passively; they do bad shit.
TGGP, you're not on Huffington Post or the NYT or WaPo enough.
Could be, I'm not a masochist. Link to some articles praising Zapatero or Zuma specifically.
Nor do I think Sailer is correct in SWPL's admiration for "Blue Eyed Utopias" as Spain under Zapatero before the crash made plaudits impossible got much credit for "transforming" Spain into the very model (i.e. phony real estate boom and green lunacy) of what SWPL want
Again, provide some links.
Obama budget director makes a love child -
Obama budget director makes a love child -
(Corrected link) -
It's amazing how liberalism ends up being the short road to African barbarism and negrification of Western society.
This is why Africa will always be a shithole, and it's brief period of colonisation by Europe was the first and only time they got out of mud huts.
Living in nature? Eating organic? Healthy teeth that never fall out and no chance of cancer?
Sounds like a place white people would spend thousands of dollars on to go for a "spa and retreat" weekend.
I think we are all realizing that industrial and technological advancement comes with it's own cons. That's why many of us pay money to "get back to nature" if only for a weekend.
I've lived in a hut for a brief period of time and it was the happiest and healthiest time of my life.
No internet either. Awesome.
Isn't Bhutan considered the "happiest place on Earth".
And they have strict rules about letting foreigners and internet in.
Once they let up on that though, they will be just as miserable as we are.
hey that's not funny.
sad but true.
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