While not everything is yet clear about the Arizona shootings that left Arizona Congresswoman Giffords fighting for her life and six dead, including a child, a fairly clear picture of shooter Jared Lee Loughner has emerged. He's a nut. And a hard core leftist. But the shooting itself, other than the pathetic attempt to paint Loughner, a mentally ill and leftist nutcase, as a Tea Partier, by the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself), really is not that important. Because its not part of the violence and shootings to come. No, that wave of murder, assassinations, and violence is coming from Mexico. Courtesy of the Gulf Cartel, and the Zetas. Violence in Mexico does not stay in Mexico. This has happened before. In
Columbus, New Mexico, in 1916. It will happen again. A lone nut can by killing or wounding important people (
Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands, JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, George Wallace) change the course of politics by removing important decision makers from influence. But the broader effect is when this happens society wide, down to the level of ordinary women protesting their daughter's murder (and the release of the killer).
There are killings, yet to come. Done not by nutty leftists, but hardened Mexican professional assassins.
Loughner's classmates describe him as
Left Wing Pothead
That Loughner is a nut is obvious. As is his fairly hard-left politics, as much as can be discerned through the fog of his mental illness. Zombie from Pajamas Media has a copy of Loughner's videos, including statements that (Christian) religion amounts to government mind-control, his favorite books (including To Kill A Mockingbird, the Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf, and the Phantom Toll Booth), and videos of himself burning a flag in the desert. His favorite band was Anti-Flag, a group that makes Rage Against the Machine look like Pat Boone crossed with Ted Nugent:
Anti-Flag is a punk rock band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the United States, formed in 1988, and known for its outspoken political views. Much of the band’s lyrics have focused on fervent anti-war activism, criticism of United States foreign policy, corporatism, U.S. wealth distribution, and various sociopolitical sentiments. … Anti-Flag is known also for their advocacy of progressive political action groups such as Greenpeace and Amnesty International.
The most recent protest they performed at was outside the Republican National Convention in 2008; they were supposed to be the last band to play but they had been touring with Rage Against The Machine and had decided it would be a good idea to get them involved since they had a long history of getting involved in related events. When officials found out they were going to perform, they shut down the stage’s power and the band performed two songs using megaphones.
They also regularly support political organisations which include:
Democracy Now!, the latest headlines from which can be found on the band’s homepage.
PETA, who were one of the sponsors of their 2010 ‘The Economy Sucks Let’s Party’ tour.
Amnesty International, to which the band donated money from the sale of The People and the Gun, have supported for a long time and who were one of the sponsors of their 2010 ‘The Economy Sucks Let’s Party Tour’.
Greenpeace, with whom the band worked in order to persuade world leaders to attend the climate conference in Copenhagen and who were one of the sponsors of their ‘The Economy Sucks Let’s Party Tour’.
Useless, whom they sold screen-printed limited-edition T-shirts with to raise money The Kandorwahun project, while raising awareness and visibility for Useless.
The band’s song “Die for your government” was sung by anti-war protesters who briefly blocked a road to prevent US troops from deploying to Iraq in August 2010. They have appeared in the 2010 music documentary Sounds Like A Revolution, about new protest music in America.
The man was a hard-core leftist. If anything, Loughner can be lumped in with other "anti-Racists" like the man who shot Pim Fortuyn:
"Facing a raucous court on the first day of his murder trial, he said his goal was to stop Mr. Fortuyn exploiting Muslims as 'scapegoats' and targeting "the weak parts of society to score points" to try to gain political power. He said: 'I confess to the shooting. He was an ever growing danger who would affect many people in society. I saw it as a danger. I hoped that I could solve it myself.'"
It is highly likely that Congresswoman Giffords was targeted because she supported Arizona's anti-illegal Immigration Law. And criticized Obama's attack on the law. Loughner and Volkert van der Graaf (the killer of Fortuyn) seem almost like identical twins. Motivated by hard left ideology, in their mental illness.
Loughner, of course, is different than the Virginia Tech shooter (Seung-Hui Cho), or the Columbine killers, or George Sodini. Men who were mentally ill, socially isolated, sexually frustrated, or in the case of the Columbine killers, "folie a deux." These men, unlike Oswald, or Sirhan Sirhan, or Loughner, or van der Graaf, had no real ideology except general insanity. They targeted merely ordinary people, often those they had only a casual contact with. Mark David Chapman (the killer of John Lennon), John Hinckley Junior, David Berkowitz, would also fall into this category: men gripped in the throes of mental illness who kill or attempt to kill out of psychotic delusions. Hinckley sought to re-enact Taxi Driver to impress (not so closeted) Jodie Foster. Berkowitz, the Son of Sam, thought his neighbor's labrador was giving him orders to kill. Chapman thought killing Lennon would bring him fame. A different sort of crazy than the ideologically motivated Loughner, Oswald, and Sirhan Sirhan.
But for all the fuss, and media frenzy trying to make Sarah Palin "guilty" (of the actions of a Left Wing Lunatic) or the Tea Party (Congresswoman Giffords father blamed the Tea Party), the shootings, tragic as they are, remain at best a sideshow to the coming slaughter.
Because the killings in Mexico are unlikely to stay there. They haven't before. Police in Mexico have found 15 bodies, 14 decapitated, in the resort town of Acapuluco. The killings were attributed to the Sinaloa cartel. Other places in Mexico have become ghost towns, as real life emulates the movies "Yojimbo," or "High Plains Drifter," or "Last Man Standing," and ordinary people flee towns fought over by rival cartels. Cuidad Juarez has seen most of its middle class flee (to Texas or Mexico City) as cartels kidnap and randomly kill even the middle (and now working) classes.
The LA Times has a collection of drug war deaths and violence and the details are horrific and shocking: seventy-two Central American immigrants in Mexico murdered, among them pregnant women, by cartel members (Zetas). Press coverage stopped, by means of killing reporters and editors. Mayors and Police and Army commanders routinely assassinated. Clergy assassinated. The combined death toll since 2007 over 30,000. Only 2% of all murders even resulting in an arrest, let alone a conviction. Massive corruption on a mind-boggling scale of the police, and army. Mexicans returning to Mexico for the Holidays escorted by the Army in daylight only to prevent their being kidnapped, robbed, and sometimes killed (these returnees are not rich, having at best only a few thousand dollars of available cash for ransom).
The drug war in Mexico, between rival cartels and the government, has gone insane. When working class men like taxi drivers are kidnapped for ransom, the purpose is not money. Since they have none, and the split between kidnappers makes the whole exercise pointless, less than working at a minimum wage job even in Mexico. No, the point is violence for the sake of violence, like killing helpless Central American immigrants, even pregnant women.
It is NOT about the money. Rather, the blood-lust. Which has gripped Mexico like it has gripped much of West Africa. General Butt Naked of Liberia would be at home with Mexico's cartels. Killing for the sake of killing is bad for business. Capone at his worst moderated his murders to maximize his cash. The thugs and criminals in Mexico cannot even do that much. The mass killings, on a wide-spread scale throughout Mexican society and geography (no place is immune not even pricey resorts like Acapulco) are not even for political effect, like the killings done by Pablo Escobar's forces, designed to force the Columbian Government into an accommodation and power sharing with the drug kingpin. Because no one person controls the killing. It is truly a war of all against all.
And this is why the shootings of Arizona Congresswoman Giffords, and others, as tragic as it may be, are in the end unimportant. Another lone nut, will kill again, out of inchoate craziness, or craziness directed by some ideology (often, Leftist) however loosely formed. The desire by the ACLU, and the Left, to prevent the civil liberties of crazy people from being infringed, and the failure to build large capacity mental hospitals, guarantees that crazy folks who are exhibiting dangerous lunacy will not be committed. Loughner was like Cho, and the Columbine kids, and Sodini, obviously crazy. Yet his civil liberties outweighed the lives of others. This is a decision that the Left has imposed on society, and there remains no willingness to say, cut welfare and health spending on illegal aliens to fund Mental Hospitals, let alone forcibly commit crazy people to them.
But the intermittent, spasmodic killings won't fundamentally change society.
The coming slaughter on American soil, will.
Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the US, and is the second place world kidnapping capital right behind Mexico City. The kidnappings are mostly of Mexican nationals done by cartel members. The kidnappings are likely to grow, and include American citizens (and Whites) as victims. This is inevitable. Kidnappings, murder, beheadings, these won't magically stay on the Mexican side of the border. People flow through the border, which Democrats like Keith Ellison want to be irrelvant. Cartel members know they can always flee to Mexico, and remain immune from seizure or prosecution. And sooner rather than later, they will start killing and kidnapping Americans, particularly Whites.
Since there has been no real action to deter that sort of thing. These are dangerous, often semi-literate, and killing addicted men. Sicarios often start killing at a young age (boys are seen as less of a threat, and more invisible). The 14 year old assassin who beheaded four men in Mexico, is an example. Allegedly, his sister helped him kill men for the Cartel, and torture them. The boy was born in the US, though he holds Mexican citizenship. Movies and TV shows depict assassins as clever, ruthless, sexy, highly educated men: George Clooney in "the American" or Jason Statham in the remake of "the Mechanic." The ugly reality is killing addicted, semi-literate, thugs, who enjoy the killing, operate in a society of general lawlessness, and cannot operate in productive, middle class society.
Mexico has been, in NFL parlance, "exposed" as a failed society, and a failed people. Like Muslim societies, it has far too many people, and no ability whatsoever to compete with Chinese manufacturing. Which can produce superior goods at even cheaper labor prices than either Mexican or Muslim societies can, or could conceivably ever produce, no matter how much investment in education and capital equipment takes place. Thus, the giant sucking sound Ross Perot referred to in the debates with then Vice President Al Gore, were from China (taking US manufacturing jobs) not Mexico. Which in turn has no way of becoming anything other than a violent, all against all thug-ridden hellhole. Mexico is not even Russia, held together by an oligopoly of former KGB thugs, and extensive patronage. Thugs in Mexico increasingly answer to no one but themselves. There is no "boss" to make a deal with, and the cartel leaders themselves are being killed off by rivals, or the government and the killing on a society wide scale only spreads.
Because the killing is the point. The sicarios don't make that much money. The killing of human beings is ugly and disgusting, to most people, and it takes considerable training to get most ordinary human beings to do it. The natural sympathy, empathy, and cooperation that human beings need to survive (a man alone is easy prey for animals or others, a man with a group can dominate the environment) is very hard to overcome. Yet once done, it is almost impossible to re-instate. West Africa after the violent, ethnically and gang-related wars that racked Liberia, Ivory Coast, the Congo, and more, remains mostly a hell hole of random violence and no real ability to do much of anything, productive. West Africa cannot even produce textiles, leveraging its cheap and abundant labor.
And there is all that spoils, inside America, just beckoning. For hardened men, who enjoy killing, to deal out more of it. Often on a racial basis (it is easier for humans to kill and torture those who do not look much like them it seems). The killing in Mexico is proceeding on a staggering scale. The government is unable to stop it (largely because there is no one or several bosses to kill to stop it, unlike say Pablo Escobar in Columbia). Simple human nature ensures that the killings will start in the US.
And once they start, they will proceed like wildfire. It won't be a limited incursion like Pancho Villa's. It will instead be the fairly spontaneous actions of thousands or tens of thousands of Mexican sicarios, often themselves shockingly young and ill-educated, heedless of consequences. Which in turn will spark a demand to do something, anything, to stop middle and working class Americans (principally, Whites but also Black and Hispanics as well) from being slaughtered, kidnapped, tortured, and beheaded, as ordinary Mexicans are now enduring.
Where that demand will lead: giant Berlin Wall style fences, military intervention into Mexico, ruling Mexico as a protectorate, sponsoring a US backed military government, or something else, is another story. But clearly, the killing will only stop when the killers are pretty much killed. An offer of a middle class job he can't handle won't stop a 14 year old already addicted to killing.
Which in turn makes the coming slaughter on American soil, not a lone nutcase, the real story.
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